
iShop is an online shopping mall web app built on React, Redux & Material UI (Front-end) and Express & MongoDb (Back-end), which implemented the following features:

  1. Implemented Google and Facebook OAuth 2.0 login & User Register with Passport.js
  2. User can create product information (includes product intro / category / price / remain amount / photos) to sell their products
  3. Implemented the credit card payment with Stripe.js. Buyer can add or update the shopping cart, and check out with credit card to buy the products
  4. Both buyer and seller can manage their transactions and orders through a dashboard

The app is deployed at Google Cloud Platform using Google App Engine


Source Code - Front-end

Source Code - Back-end

Final Product

Landing Page & Cart
Landing Page & Cart
Product Display
Product Display
iSell Manage Dashboard
iSell Manage Dashboard

Read the design and thinking behind this project (in Chinese): link